what is the advatages of using the services of

LaboratoryCa has developed in the recent years novel protocols for the microprogation of elite cannabis clones
We understand the importance of “True to Type” plant material and are able to guarantee and supply our
customers’ first class genetically stable cannabis plants without the risk of mutation or any other somaclonal
changes that might take place during the multiplication stage

labrotoryca invethion?

As genetic stability is one of our major considerations, we have developed novel and unique preservation technologies.
This breakthrough enabled us to preserved elite cannabis cultivars in tissue culture as well as in a frozen situation
for unlimited periods. Upon request, plantlets were successfully re-cultured under normal growing conditions maintaining
all there commercial value

how LABROTORYCA can help you?

With the threat of viral cannabis disease in mind
we developed and novel and efficient virus cleaning and elimination process.
Our technology enable us to provide our customers with virus free cannabis plant free of total viral contamination.
Endogenous bacterial endophytes are also a major concern slowing down growth.

We provide:

Microprogation and mass
production of true to type plants

Cryopreservation technologies
and “gene bank” services

Virus elimination and cleaning
of stock material

Endophyte eradication in 

elite clones

We have developed a protocol enabling us to eliminate bacterial
endophytes as well as viruses during the curing process.

Cannabis tissue culture

Plant tissue culture served for the last decade as a major toll to produce
mass propagation of genetically identical disease free plant material. The cannabis
industry recently harnessed this cutting age technology for the long run benefit of this market.

contact us

Hi! Let us know how we can help and we’ll respond shortly.


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